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HelpAge international is implementing a livelihoods and health integrated project at Peshawar/ FATA. Under Food security and livelihood component, one of the deliverable is Conditional Cash Grant and skill development of the vulnerable communities to ensure sustainable livelihood support. 

Consultancy Purpose:

The target group for these skills development and conditional cash grants are the Older People, Person with Disabilities, Female headed households and child headed households. So, the goal and objective of the consultancy is to enhance their skills and knowledge in rearing livestock in such a way to ensure sustainable and productive source for their livelihoods and income generation.


Services of female livestock training consultant are requested for CCG in Peshawar. Services will be required on daily basis CCG trainings on need base with below JDs,

  • The consultant is required to submit comprehensive training content, training plan, methodology and delivery mechanism.
  • Impart field training sessions to the registered beneficiaries at community level as per approved training contents.
  • Design training material in Urdu and Pashtu language for the beneficiaries ‘clear understanding and conceptual clarity on Livestock rearing and one copy for the project record.
  • Design the methodology and tools in accordance with current practices and knowledge of the registered beneficiaries about livestock rearing in line to the local context of Peshawar / FATA.
  • Consider any feedback from HelpAge International Management and make changes to the training methodology as appropriate and agreed upon by both parties.
  • The duration of each training session will be one day.
  • Liaise with the HelpAge International field team or project coordinator to identify any problems or issues arising during course of training.
  • The consultant will agree to be available on any day during the consultancy agreement with prior planning and intimation from HelpAge International.
  • The consultant will not share and disseminate the information and the IEC material developed for this project without the consent of HelpAge International..
  • General animal husbandry and Animal health management must be focus in line to the understanding and knowledge of the registered beneficiaries in local context of Peshawar / fata.
  • Animal nutrition, Business management and Record Keeping must be considered in the content of the training materials.

Job Specification:

  • At least Master degree or Bachelor degree in the field of livestock management from recognized university.
  • At least (05) five years of practical experience in conducting trainings on Livestock skill development trainings.
  • Organization will pay PKR 8,000 (Eight Thousand Pak Rupees) per working day.
  • Excellent communication and report-writing skills in English. Knowledge of local languages (Pushtu) must be required for proper delivery of training to the local people at FATA Agency.
  • Sensitive to local culture and gender characteristics in the area.

*Note: Position will be filled on rolling baisis. 

"we are an equal opportunities employer"
