School-to-School International (STS) is a non-governmental organization based in the United States. STS is recruiting a Student Assessment Advisor to oversee the implementation of assessment activities within the USAID-funded Sindh Reading Program (SRP).
The Student Assessment Advisor will coordinate and collaborate with the Government of Sindh and other partners on the design and operationalization of all assessment activities, including support to the Education and Literacy Department, district education officials and the Provincial Education Assessment Centre (PEACE) in Sindh for the development and the implementation of Early Grade Reading Assessment (EGRA), Early Grade Mathematics Assessment (EGMA) and other reading and mathematics learning assessments at the primary school level.
Assessment activities will focus on a representative sample of schools targeted by the SRP in 7 intervention districts of Sindh plus 5 Karachi Towns.
The Student Assessment Advisor will work on a full-time basis with the project. He/She will organize and coordinate training, support and advice on the management and implementation of all project–level assessment efforts as well as collaborate with other project components, such as teacher training and materials development.