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Community Mobilizer DRR/ Hygiene Promoter



Country and Base Assignment: Pakistan, Nawabshah base

Last Name:


First Name:


Start Date:


Objectives :

Under Team Leader and Program Manager supervision, the community mobilizer is responsible for the following tasks:

  1. Conduct Surveys on disaster preparedness with targeted communities
  2. Support targeted communities in creation of disaster preparedness committees (DPC)
  3. Train the DPC in DRR
  4. Support the DPC on the definition of Community Risk Mapping and Disaster Preparedness Plan (DPP)
  5. Support the DPC on DRR project definition with the whole community
  6. Participate to internal meetings
  7. Respect logistics and administrative procedures of Solidarites International
  8. Represent Solidarites International
  9. eporting of tasks achieved
  10. Conduct KAP surveys and participate to the definition of HP strategy
  11. Implement Hygiene Promotion activities
  12. nsure community link
  13. Monitor the relevance and appropriateness of HP activities
  14. Report and participate to internal coordination
  15. Represent Solidarites International
  16. Respect logistics and administrative procedures of Solidarites International
  17. Ensure the overall objective of Hygiene promtion


List of main responsibilities :

Conduct Surveys on disaster preparedness (DPS) with targeted communities

  • Participate to DPS definition
  • Participate to the planning of DPS surveys
  • Conduct the DPS surveys following the protocol.
  • In case, participate to extra field assessment and focus groups discussions
  • Participate to DPS survey analysis and definition of DRR strategy and key messages taking into consideration DPS results and local habits.
  • Participate to the planning of KAP surveys
  • In case, participate to extra field assessment and focus groups discussions

Implement Hygiene Promotion activities

  • Propose relevant and innovative activities to conduct to promote hygiene in targeted areas
  • Participate to the planning of Hygiene Promotion activities by knowing objectives and indicators of completion of his/her activities.
  • Conduct hygiene promotion sessions such as defined by Program Manager
  • Supervise hygiene promotion events such as defined in the strategy
  • Monitor closely attendance of all hygiene promotion activities
  • Participate to KAP survey analysis and definition of hygiene promotion strategy and key messages taking into consideration KAP results and local habits.

Support targeted communities in creation of disaster preparedness committees (DPC)

  • Participate to strategic definition for DPC creation, training, and Community base disaster risk management
  • Explain the project to communities
  • Identify potential leaders and/organizers.
  • Provide community leaders with management skills and knowledge in getting community members interested, organized and motivated.
  • Assist the community members in developing their own capacity and strength to the point where they no longer need the services of the Community mobilizer.
  • Support the communities in DPC creation process.

Support the DPC in the developing DRR measures

  • Using the methodology and tools presented during REDR training, transmit to DPC the DRR basic notions
  • Support the DPC  in definition and implementation of Vulnerability Community Assessment (VCA)
  • Support the DPC  in definition and implementation of Disaster Preparedness Plan(DPP)
  • In collaboration with the WATSAN team support the community in the definition of DRR sub-project
  • Follow the community participation and adherence to the sub project.
  • Mobilize community for timely completion of project.
  • Encourage and stimulate full participation by all community members; with special attention to those who are usually forgotten, marginalized and overlooked in community decision making.
  • Create dynamic of collaboration for the implementation of the works.

Ensure community link

  • Ensure liaison and information exchange between SI and communities for the organisation of events
  • Participate to training of villages focal points

Monitor the relevance and appropriateness of HP activities

  • Regularly test impact of hygiene promotion activities by asking people about their KAP regarding hygiene.
  • Determine which activities have the best impact on population behaviors
  • Propose adaptations of the activities to his/her team leader

Report and participate to internal coordination

  • Inform orally his/her team leader of any problem related to the works whatever their source is: social issues, material deficiency, contractor incompetence, security threat…
  • Provide his/her team leader with documents necessary for activities and results follow up
  • Fill in daily report form relating tasks achieved and difficulties
  • Participate to weekly WASH/DRR meeting and weekly watsan team meeting
  • Participate to monthly base meeting
  • Participate to any extra meeting organized by SI management team

Reporting of tasks achieved

  • Fill in reporting form for each focus groups and field assessment such as given by his/her program manager
  • Report on a daily basis any field problem or difficulty encountered in the villages to his/her team leader
  • Participate to the global reporting on weekly basis and contribute to feed the weekly report.

Represent Solidarites International

  • Know and respect Solidarites International values and charter
  • Adopt adequate behavior respecting local people culture and Solidarites International principles
  • Ensure the understanding of Solidarites International mandate, principles and modus operandi by the beneficiaries of the program.

Respect logistics and administrative procedures of Solidarites International

  • Anticipate and Communicate logistics needs in terms of transport, material to his/her team leader.
  • Fill in out of stock one day before he/she needs some material from the stock
  • In case, respect administrative procedures for taking advance and making payments

The above listed responsibilities should not be considered as exhaustive; the employee is susceptible to be asked to complete other tasks based on his/her program manager demand.

In case of humanitarian emergency, the employee will intervene as field technician wherever its capacities are more useful.

  • In this kind of situation, every team member might work on issues or topics that are not usual to them and that do not correspond to the job they were hired for. The aim is then to respond to most urgent humanitarian needs of the population.


The employee is due to work from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. Considering the nature of the activities, this time schedule is indicative and it is expected from the employee a strong commitment in his job and some flexibility in his time schedule to adapt to work quantity.

CHART POSITION (Hierarchical and functional relations)

Line manager:  DRR/HP team leader / WASH Program Manager

Line report(s) on base:

Functional manager: 

Functional report(s):            
