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Type of Services



Field Coordination, facilitating relevant stakeholders to formulate SDGs-oriented Tehsil-level development planning and Implementation Support



Tentative commencement date of services

January 1, 2025

Level of efforts:

Malakand= 24 days    



Tentative duration

January 1, 2025 to
June 30, 2025 (Extendable)

A.     AB O U T CP DI

Centre for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) is an independent, non-partisan and a not- for-profit civil society organization working on issues of peace and development in Pakistan. It is registered under Section 42 of the Companies Ordinance, 1984 (XLVII of 1984). It seeks to inform and influence public policies and civil society initiatives through research -based advocacy and capacity building to promote citizenship, build peace, improve governance, and achieve inclusive and sustainable development. Areas of special sectoral focus include promotion of peace and tolerance, rule of law, local governance, transparency and access to information, budget watch, media development, electoral reforms, legislative strengthening, and democratic development.

B.     AB O U T T H E A S S I G N M E N T

B . 1 .  B A C K G R O U N D

The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has initiated a project titled as Participatory Local Governance (PLG) to assist the governments in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to further strengthen their local governance system towards improved services delivery to the citizens. PLG builds on the earlier gains of its two completed projects in Punjab and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa i.e., the Support to Local Governance Project and the FATA Development Project by creating synergies on the already achieved results and the capacities built. The PLG will provide support mainly in three areas i.e., local revenue generation, participatory development planning, and digitalization for improved services delivery.

GIZ has partnered Center for Peace and Development Initiatives (CPDI) to assist the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (GoKP) in evolving a structure for and building capacities around participatory local development planning in the province. This initiative (project to be implemented by CPDI) is termed as “Localization of SDGs through Participatory Development Planning by Tehsil Local Governments in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa”.

The purpose of this intervention is (i) to support the Tehsil Local Governments (TLGs) in KP in the formulation of total 58 SDG-oriented tehsil-level development plans/medium term development plans that take into account the needs, suggestions and aspirations of the citizens; (ii) to build  the  capacity of  selected  TLGs  regarding  participatory  local  level planning and budgeting process; (iii) to increase the capacity of the provincial level for strengthening participatory planning and citizen engagement at local level; and (iv) to generate public awareness on local level planning and opportunities for citizens’ participation, especially for women and marginalized segments of society.

B . 2 .  P U R P O S E A N D O B J E C T I V E S O F T H E A S S I G N M E N T 

CPDI will depute facilitator in the above-mentioned districts/tehsils to support in field level coordination, enable public participation and facilitate relevant stakeholders for SDGs-oriented Tehsil-level development planning, implementation of project activities, and provision of handholding support to the target TLGs in the process of formulation of Tehsil Medium-Term SDGs Oriented Development Plan. 

B . 3 .  S C O P E O F T H E A S S I G N M E N T 

The scope of the assignment will entail all tasks necessary to coordinate, support, and implement project activities to formulate SDGs Oriented Tehsil Medium Term Development Plan (MTDP) in the target districts/tehsils. Broadly, the scope will entail performing the following tasks:

• Create linkages with devolved offices of TLGs at the district/tehsil level to pave the way for smooth implementation of the project activities and formulation of Tehsil Medium Term SDGs Oriented Development Plans.

• Conduct consultative sessions with stakeholders as per the work plan, in target tehsils on SDGs orientation and participatory development planning, finally resulting in the formulation of SDGs- oriented MTDPs.

• Liaise with the City Mayor/Tehsil Chairman/TLGs and the Assistant Commissioners in consultative session, and other activities as required to be carried out under the project at the field level.

• Establish contact with devolved offices in acquiring the required data, documents, reports, and other materials and verify them at his level to be incorporated in draft MTDPs.

• Identify, in a timely fashion, any issue or risk in implementing project activities or achieving project milestones and report to the Project Coordinator with proposed solutions thereto.

• Conduct sector analysis specially to derive sector’s needs and challenges.

• Any other task incidental to the delivery of the project activities or otherwise as directed by the Project Coordinator.

B . 4 .  D E L I V E R A B L E S A N D P A Y M E N T S


Sr. No.


Deliverable of the Facilitator in each Tehsil Local Government





I.Conduct One-day session on orientation for the members of the Planning Team, on SDGs and formulation of SDGs Medium-Term Tehsil Development Plan (MTDP) through participatory approach, and introduction to the tools for MTDP formulation and report of the session.

II.Conduct One-day session for the members of the Planning Team, on sectoral analysis, prioritization exercise, tentative costing and alignment of proposed development schemes with relevant SDGs indicators for the formulation of MTDP and report of the session.





I. Compile the requisite data, verify its accuracy, incorporate tentative costing of the proposed schemes in consultation with relevant office and draft MTDP as per the given template/ format;

II. Address all the points raised during review of draft MTDP;

III.Manage the endorsement of the respective Chairman/Mayor; and

IV. Submission of the final version of MTDP properly composed/formatted to CPDI as per given template along with brief report.








The facilitator will furnish timesheets with invoices at the end of each month. The timesheets  after  review  and endorsement  by the  Project Coordinator will be forwarded by him to the Project Manager for approval. Payment to each facilitator will be made against the number of days of performance/efforts reflected by him in the time sheet along with evidence of activities and deliverable.

C.     RE P O R T I N G S T R U C T U R E A N D C O O R D I N A T I O N

The facilitator undertakes all activities under the direct supervision of the Project Coordinator, CPDI. All operational level matters shall be discussed and resolved with the Project Coordinator.

D.     RE Q U I R E D Q U A L I F I C A T I O N A N D E X P E R I E N C E

 The facilitator should possess a combination of expertise, relevant work experience, and writing & interpersonal skills to successfully undertake activities associated with this position.

 The following are the key qualification & experience criteria required for selection:

•  Educational qualifications: At least a master’s degree (16 years of education)

•  Specific experience in SDGs would be given preference.

•  Experience   of   developing   Development   Plans   at   Provincial/ District/Tehsil level.

•  Infield knowledge of participatory local development planning and budgeting tools.

•  Knowledge of public sector  planning,  development  system  and processes.

•  5 years of work experience in the field of coordination, liaison, local planning, budgeting, and related fields.

•  Good understanding of the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa local Government system would be given preference.

•  Excellent   analysis,   report  writing,   communication  and   inter- personnel skills.